SilverSneakers Update on Benefits 2021

Letter from the Director.

February 26, 2021

Dear SilverSneaker Members,

We have missed seeing so many of you at our facilities over the last year and hope you will be back soon. We wanted to update you on some recent changes and steps we’ve taken at Aspen Recreation to support the SilverSneaker program. In the past, we have gone above and beyond what our SilverSneaker agreement provided for as far as services offered. With great enthusiasm, the City of Aspen subsidized additional programming – mainly fitness classes, climbing, and ice skating - that was beyond the SilverSneaker financially supported programming. With the downturn in revenue and the financial impacts of Covid, the City can no longer subsidize the additional programming at the level it could prepandemic.

The free core amenities/activities at the Aspen Recreation Center (ARC) include the use of the aquatics area, cardio room, and weight room.

The good news is we are still offering a significant discount for the classes and programs that are outside of the standard SilverSneaker offering. That means you can access all classes and additional offerings at the ARC and Red Brick for just $5 per activity. And as always, all the core offerings at the ARC are free to SilverSneakers members. Activities that require the additional $5 fee include fitness classes, water aerobics, master swim, climbing classes, climbing sessions at the Red Brick, and public skating. The additional drop-in fee can be paid via credit card or with a SilverSneaker Add-on punch pass. You can learn more or purchase the $50 ten-punch pass, by clicking here. These rules take effect starting April 1, 2021.

To make a reservation to workout, go to the homepage for more details. There are income-based scholarships available, click here to download the form or contact Desiree Whitehead at for more information.

If you are not yet comfortable attending the Recreation Centers in person, we offer Virtual Online Fitness Classes several times a week (use the registration link above). Also, the Silver Sneakers website offers a variety of online classes,

Warm regards,

Cory Vander Veen
Recreation Director, City of Aspen